Ivy adds a very nice element to a sugar flower bouquet. The green makes the flower colors pop, and the vines add a draping extension to the finished bouquet.
Ivy cutters can be purchased from the web and come in different shapes which also allow for a varied texture in your finished bouquet. As natural ivy grows in a variety of green colors, you really can't make a mistake when dusting or painting.
Today I am working on a small english (solid green) spring ivy and a painted variegated ivy. Simply cut your ivy from rolled gumapste, insert a 32 gauge wire and allow it to dry. Dust or paint the leaf and tape five leaves together in a straight line. This way they are easy to store for future use. When needed gently pull the leave out to the left and right and bend the main wire down the middle to give a natural shape. The long extended end of wire can now be taped into the bouquet.
The painted ivy gives a nice deep color with a variegated leaf. When both types of ivy are present in a sugar bouquet.